Politica sociala

Dockers demonstrating in Brussels (Photo: EUobserver.com)
Termen general referindu-se la capitolele sociale si privind forta de munca (forta de munca, legislatia muncii, conditiile de munca, securitatea sociala si ocupationala).
Comunitatea are scopul promovarii fortei de munca, imbunatatirii conditiilor de munca si protectia sociala, sprijinind dialogul social si combatand excluderea. UE poate sprijini si completa activitatile statelor membre.

Ideea este de a stabili standarde sociale comune minime pentru e evita dumping-ul social. Contraargumentul este ca standardele sociale prea ridicate pot submina forta de munca in statele UE mai sarace.

Decisions in these areas are taken by unanimity or by qualified majority voting. For collective bargaining by workers and employers at national level, the EU can only encourage co-operation and co-ordinate actions of the Member States.
The co-ordination of social exclusion and old-age pensions policies may be subject to the open co-ordination method.


Freedom of association, strikes and lock-outs are not subject to any Community competence.

The future

The Convention on the Future of Europe proposed that a broader range of social policy matters are or could be decided by qualified majority voting, except for social security and social protection. The Draft Constitution proposes that part of social policy and health become shared competences - EU law would therefore overrule national competence to legislate (Art. I-13).


See also open co-ordination method and Strike.